Primary school

“Science-Lab. Fascinating human anatomy” Series

Teaching natural science has never been easier.

  • Type of education

    primary school grades 4-8

    secondary schools

  • Thematic scope





  • Category

    multimedia program

  • We explore and admire the world through our senses. We observe our surroundings, discover flavours, sounds and the texture of fabrics. Our new series of multimedia products „Science-Lab. Fascinating human anatomy”, shows the extraordinary way in which the human organism works. The functioning and roles of the human senses are discussed, as well as elements of physics, chemistry and geography. The whole material allows to realize the assumptions of the core curriculum.
      In response to your expectations, the "Science-Lab. Fascinating human anatomy" product has been divided into 4 thematic areas. This way you can choose the topics that best meet the needs of your school.
    Each part includes:
    • 4–7 educational charts – the amount depends on the chosen part
    • 3 educational movies
    • 2 -3 simulations for the entire class - the amount depends on the chosen part
    • additional didactic content which you can download and print
  • Contact your favorite distributor to order

    or contact us at

    +48 511 031 913

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    Demo version

    About the product


    "Science-Lab. Fascinating human anatomy" is a 4-part educational multimedia product. It was designed to support natural science education in primary schools grades 4 - 8 and at higher education levels.The program includes a set of educational charts that teachers can use to discuss the anatomy and functioning of different organs in detail. The product also contains movies and simulations that can be used at school, or at home. All of the prepared materials support the realization of the assumptions of the core curriculum and help introduce more advanced knowledge for eager and ambitious students, or for older students.

    A professional voice-over has been recorded for all of the materials. What is more, in sections with descriptions you can change the size of the texts' font. As a result, the product can be used to teach students with Special Educational Needs (SEN).
    "Science-Lab" has been prepared in two language versions - Polish and English. As a result, teachers can introduce elements of biology, chemistry and physics in a second language. The program can also be used abroad.

    Discover the power of the human senses with "Science-Lab!"

    Part 1 - SIGHT Correlation between subjects: biology, physics

    The first part of the "Science-Lab" program is dedicated to topics concerned with the sense of sight. Teachers can use interactive charts to discuss the anatomy of the eyeball and of the accessory structures of the eye in detail, as well as that of the cerebral cortex lobes responsible for the sense of sight. Interesting facts about most organs have been added to arouse the curiosity of students.
    The way vision works, and eye diseases and disorders are presented in movies. Simulations in the program allow students to revise and consolidate newly acquired knowledge. Teachers also have revision tests at their disposal, which can be used during lessons.

    Part 2 - HEARING AND BALANCE Correlation between subjects: biology, physics

    The second part of the "Science-Lab" program will show students how the external, middle and inner ear are built. They will also learn about the anatomy of the labyrinth in detail, which is mainly responsible for our sense of hearing and balance. Interesting facts about most organs have been added to arouse the curiosity of students.
    The journey of sound to the center of hearing in the brain, and dangers to the sense of hearing and balance are discussed in movies in detail. Simulations introduce elements of physics, such as sound intensity or frequency, and physical balance exercises.

    Part 3 - SMELL AND TASTE Correlation between subjects: biology, chemistry

    What would human life look like without the sense of taste and smell? These two senses are the focus of the third part of the "Science-Lab" program. Educational charts discuss the anatomy and functioning of the external and internal nose. As far as the sense of taste is concerned, the cross section of the tongue is discussed - the tongue's detailed anatomy and the location of particular tastes. Interesting facts about most organs have been added to arouse the curiosity of students.
    Movies explain the way in which these two human senses function. They also discuss smell and taste disorders. Thanks to simulations, students find out, e.g., which professions require a good sense of smell and why children do not like to eat certain products.

    Part 4 - TOUCH Correlation between subjects: biology, geography

    The second part of the "Science-Lab" program will show students how the external, middle and inner ear are built. They will also learn about the anatomy of the labyrinth in detail, which is mainly responsible for our sense of hearing and balance. Interesting facts about most organs have been added to arouse the curiosity of students.
    Movies discuss the functioning of the sense of touch, as well as skin diseases. Simulations are intended to arose the interest of students, e.g., one material shows the way people greet one another in different regions in the world.

    Additional didactic content

    Additional didactic content has been prepared for the multimedia program. You can use it not only in the classroom, but also outside the school.
    It includes:
    • Tests that sum up each part and tests summing up all of the parts – all of the senses. They have been prepared in two versions – basic and advanced, as well as in an editable version for teachers.
    • Answer keys for tests.
    • The “Worth remembering” series”, which contains the most important information about the certain human senses. The materials have been prepared in the form of posters, infographics and notebook stickers.
    • Observations and experiments designed in accordance with the assumptions of the core curriculum, as well as observations and experiments beyond the scope of the core curriculum.
    • Worksheets to encourage students to delve deeper into the discussed topics.
    • A set of ideas for lessons.
    You can download and print the additional didactic content.

    Demo movie

    How does vision work? Watch and listen to the narrator successfully explaining difficult topics in the first part of the "Science-Lab. Fascinating human anatomy" series - "SIGHT".

    Special features



    Change the language at any time. Polish and English languages available.
    licencja na szkole

    Annual license for the entire school

    As a result, all ofr the teachers at a given school can use the program. You can also renew your license at an attractive price.
    korelacja miedzyprzedmiotowa

    Correlation between subjects

    The product combines knowledge from biology, chemistry, physics and geography.
    online i offline

    Online and offline version

    "Science-Lab" works online and offline - download the materials you need onto the flash disk you have received with the product and use the program without access to the Internet.
    edukacja włączająca

    Teaching students with SEN

    Since you can adjust certain elements of the program, teachers can work with students with special educational needs.

    Compatibility with the core curriculum

    The materials have been prepared in accordance with the assumptions of the current core curriculum.
    utrwalanie wiedzy

    Observations and experiments

    Obligatory core curriculum observations and experiments have been added to the program, as well as those beyond the scope of the core curriculum - for eager and ambitious students.


    Choose the product of the Science-Lab series that meets your expectations!

    You can buy one part or the whole set


    Contents of each part:

    • 4–7 educational charts - the amount depends on the chosen part
    • 3 educational movies
    • 2-3 simulations for the entire class – the amount depends on the chosen part
    • additional didactic content – the amount depends on the chosen part

    Contents of the set (4 parts)

    • 23 educational charts
    • 12 movies
    • 10 simulations
    • additional didactic content:
      • 38 tests and worksheets
      • 8 multimedia presentations
      • 12 movies
      • 32 observations and experiments
      • 24 materials from the ,Worth remembering” series
      • ideas for lessons


    or contact us at

    +48 511 031 913

    Test for free!

    Demo version

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